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How to Make Travelling Easier

Exploring can either be a mind-blowing or a horrible experience. Well, it is all up to you if you want to make it a life changing or a stressful one. You can actually turn an unfortunate event into a fun and a meaningful adventure if it is done right from the beginning. As a traveler, I would say that there are things that may go out of control and I am sure every traveler would agree to this, but in the end it is your positivity that will help you overcome the worst. And as you expose yourself to the world of travelling, you'll find ways on how to make your life easier when travelling.

Pack light

Bring only the essentials with you. Don't carry your closet. List your "must have" and make sure you carry the essentials like your medicine for allergies, camera or phone, a pair of shoes and slippers, sunblock, toiletries etc. Bring only the necessary clothing based on your itinerary and the season. Carry only two items if you can , a backpack/luggage and a hand carry/personal bag with you.


This is the most important so I wonder why some traveler does not include sleep in their itinerary. Get plenty of sleep, trust me you'll need it. You don't want to ruin your vacation just because you are not getting enough sleep. And not getting enough sleep may get you into an accident.

Check the weather

Weeks before flying out you may check the weather forecast to your place of destination. This will help you decide the right and the number of pairs of clothing to carry. For places with extreme weather conditions or two seasons in a day, you can do the layering technique.

Research, research, research

Be ready to gather all the information you need. This will really help you save time, resources/money and energy. Be prepared with the maps, apps for transportation if applicable or any other apps that you need to download on your phone, information on fees, time zone difference, do's and donts for that country or place, culture, ordinance/law etc. I,m sure you don't want to end up in jail for not obeying the rules.

Be open minded

You are going to a place which may be a lot different from your place or culture. So be prepared for traffic, delays, seeing someone burps, or seeing a new fashion or a naked person on the beach.

Book ahead of time

Yes, planning your trips ahead of time will save you thousands in the long run so book your hotels and flights in advanced. Get a travel insurance.

Get ready to try the local food

You are in a place which is totally different from yours so try their local food. There is no harm in asking what is in the food ,for people with allergies, plus local food is not expensive.

Bring Cash and secured debit/credit cards

Exchange your currency in advance and bring your cards for emergency purposes but don't carry too much cash with you. Bring the allowed amount that you can carry to avoid bank fees.

Finalize your itinerary

Some travelers can afford to change their itinerary last minute but if you are the one travelling on a budget, finalizing your travel plan is a must. You will avoid spending too much when you finalize your route, settle your transportation costs and pay your accommodation ahead of time.

Bring the most important- your SMILE

Sometimes, even how well you have prepared for your adventure, some events may turn out not exactly how you wanted them to happen so always carry your patience and smile with you. Remember, you are creating that experience for you and it is an investment you owe to yourself. As what they always say, what happens to you is just ten percent of your day, ninety percent is how you react or respond to it.

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